Final Words From Your Daily Howl Seniors

Ava Paulsen

Favorite Section

“I love all the sections, but I have a particular appreciation for the Community section. I’m super passionate about reporting on local news and breaking news around campus. Under the community section, I wrote a feature on the Varsity Baseball team last year who just made it to the playoffs this year! My sophomore year, I covered the local COVID-19 spread and response. That same year I wrote the first ever editorial in the paper about the contentious debate over Hart’s Indian mascot which was retired later that year and it won a Gold Medal in Journalism from Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards which was such an amazing opportunity. Ultimately, the Community section allowed me to cover issues that no other news outlet was covering, providing me with a sense of purpose that motivated me all four years on the paper.”

Favorite Journalism Moments

“Some funny moments that come to mind are the fun slide show days we do after each publication. That’s when I learned if I was a lunchable it would be the nachos one and my Disney theme song is The A.N.T. Farm’s Exceptional. However, the most significant memory I have on the paper was writing the editorial covering the new restrictions on ghost guns. I wrote the editorial with my fellow editors my Junior year. Mia Tretta, activist and wounded survivor of the Saugus High School shooting, agreed to an interview where we discussed her involvement in pioneering restrictions on ghost guns. Writing, interviewing, editing, and publishing the editorial was a transformative experience.”

What I’ll Miss 

“I think I’ll miss campus reporting the most. Throughout my four years on the paper, I’ve trained myself to always keep an eye out for stories around school. I enjoyed interviewing fellow students about their athletic or academic triumphs. I find a substantial amount of stories to report on in the close-knit SCV community and Hart District. There are so many cool people and inspiring stories. I’ll miss connecting with the community through my reporting.” 

Advice for Younger Journalists

“Let your passion determine the topics you cover, but let the facts guide the content of your reporting. Journalism is a platform to promote issues and amplify people’s voices, so be purposeful and bold with your reporting. Seek out the stories that haven’t been told and voices that haven’t been heard.”

Where You’re Going 

“I will be attending Northwestern University, in Evanston IL this fall. I am a student of the Medill School of Journalism, Media, and Integrated Marketing Communications. I hope to double major in creative writing and study abroad in South Africa!”

To the Staff

“I’m so proud of the paper and the students who are inheriting The Daily Howl. You guys inspire me to think in new ways and I can’t wait to see all you accomplish!”


Mia Souther

Favorite Section

The Daily Howl was my platform for Wellness content. As the Bring Change to Mind president, it was great to have another outlet to reach students and stress the importance of ending the stigma behind mental health. I wanted students to feel at home when reading the section and know that they aren’t alone with anything they may be feeling. After several successful publishing cycles, the section also became a way to further educate people on stigmatized language and various mental disorders.”

Favorite Memory 

“My favorite memory was coming up with our Daily Howl game days with Kristen after completing another Issue Junior year. It always felt like we were one big family poking fun. I loved watching everyone in the class embrace their creativity and come up with the best slideshows! Journalism helped me discover a different side of myself. I realized how passionate I am about management and problem-solving. I loved every minute of working with my staff writers and creating new ways of doing things to improve our class and publications.”

I’ll Miss 

The Daily Howl was my platform for Wellness content. As the Bring Change to Mind president, it was great to have another outlet to reach students and stress the importance of ending the stigma behind mental health. Thus, I will miss having a constant tool to use when I felt the need to express my ideas or advocate for something I felt was important.”

Advice for Younger Journalists

“Show up as your best self. High school goes by fast, especially in the later years. You’ll want to look back and be proud of everything you created. So keep writing about things that you are passionate about. Using your voice for positive change is one of the greatest tools you have. Staff writers, keep being inquisitive about your curiosities, they will create the best articles. Don’t forget to meet your deadlines!”

Where You’re Going 

“I will be attending San Diego State University in the Fall and will be apart of the Weber Honors College. I’m excited to study Business Adminstration Management to work towards my dream of becoming a music manager. I hope to study abroad for the entirety of sophomore year in Europe!


Tyler Baker

Favorite Section

“My favorite section to write in has been Creativity. I’ve really enjoyed writing reviews and covering topics and media that I’m passionate about. My favorite article in creativity I wrote this year was my review of Prince Harry’s autobiography Spare. I had a super fun time using The Daily Howl as a platform to express my opinions and thoughts!”

Favorite Journalism Moments

“There have been so many moments in journalism that I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite, but I’ve really enjoyed our slideshow days and building comradery amongst the rest of the team. This past year, I’ve really gotten to know my classmates and have had a lot of fun hanging out and writing articles with them all. Another highlight has also been being able to offer guidance and help to the staff writers, and I am very thankful for the experience my position as Copy Editor has allowed me to have.”

What I’ll Miss 

“I’m going to miss my classmates the most. My peers have made the trek across campus every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday completely worth it. Without journalism, I likely wouldn’t have met a good portion of the underclassmen who effortlessly offer me laughs. Even on my most stressful days, I always have looked forward to seeing my classmates in journalism. I will miss my staff writer buddies, especially Terrance, JR, Skye, and Akiro. Thank you guys for always brightening up my 6th period!”

Advice for Younger Journalists

“My advice for younger journalists is to take constructive criticism and listen to the older, more seasoned members. While it’s sometimes difficult to accept advice, especially for an article or piece you’ve written that you’re proud of, experienced classmates can help you improve and elevate your works. Your peers are there to help you and to all work together to create The Daily Howl, so listen to what they have to say and apply the things you learn to your writing or other media! It will significantly improve your writing and confidence as a journalist.”

Where You’re Going 

“I will be attending UC Santa Cruz and majoring in Art and Design for Playable Media!”