Coyotes of Castaic

Ricardo Baldenegro and David Flores


Jacob Khalil

Courtesy of Jacob

Jacob Khalil is a 16-year-old junior here at Castaic. He enjoys playing soccer for the Castaic High soccer Varsity team, where he plays both left and center back, he enjoys eating fried chicken, playing video games, and hanging out with his friends. Khalil also tells us that he really enjoys his Honors Pre-Calc class with Mr. Turski because he makes learning fun and is a great teacher. Jacob hopes to go to a 4-year university and pursue his interest in computer engineering or computer coding. 


Isiuwa aimiuwu

Courtesy of Isiuwa

Isiuwa is a 16-year-old junior at Castaic. She is a great friend and always has a smile on her face. Although she didn’t want to come to Castaic High School at first, her friends changed the way she felt about being here. Not only is she a great person to be around, but she is also incredibly talented, as she plays piano, sings and writes songs, paints, and is the Junior class president. Isiuwa aspires to be an OB-GYN or a singer later in life. Some things she enjoys include hanging out with her brother, watching Grey’s Anatomy, and playing Sims. On top of that, she has traveled to Brazil, Paris, Cabo, Russia, and Nigeria. Her favorite class is AP Lang. with Mrs. Avanessian. 


Dayton Richards

Courtesy of Dayton

Dayton Richards is a freshman here at Castaic High School. He is a great human and a great athlete. He decided to attend Castaic High School because he lives nearby and he has a sibling that also attends the school. Dayton is a superb athlete as he plays for Castaic’s football and soccer team. Dayton also told us, “I really enjoy the rallies, the first one was my favorite.” When asked what class he liked most, Dayton responded with, “My favorite class is biology with Mrs. Song.” He then told me that one of his goals this year was to get all A’s by the end of the semester and to do well. I then asked if he had any extra interesting facts about himself. “I love In-N-Out Burger and soccer,” Richards told us.