Caitlin Neall-Johnston, Editor of Global
Caitlin Neall-Johnston is editor of the Global section of The Daily Howl at Castaic High School. Caitlin aspires to spread awareness about global issues and encourage students to care about the world they live in, through the medium of journalism. She hopes to create global news accessible to high-schoolers and to investigate perspectives of students across the world. Caitlin has lived in 6 different countries and has travelled to a myriad of others. She has obtained a global education through schooling in Portugal, Malaysia, England, and California. Caitlin is a dedicated climate activist, and often participates in Climate strikes and environmental activism. She is inspired to speak out by 2019 Time’s person of the year, Greta Thunberg, who has changed the way the world sees the climate crisis with her moving and potently truthful speech-making skills. Caitlin is eager to be a part of The Daily Howl’s inaugural team, and is excited to watch The Daily Howl flourish into an exceptional student news platform.