Anastasia Rojas, Staff Writer
Anastasia Rojas is a staff writer for The Daily Howl. In the future, she would love to be somewhere in the FBI, and will probably be a detective solving mysteries or murders. She is passionate about mysteries and crimes, and sometimes watches crime documents or podcasts just to figure out what’s going on in the world of mysteries. She loves to cook and experiment with different recipes or find a new cooking experiment to try out. She is very passionate about writing and reading. Both are her favorite things to do in her free time, especially reading. There are so many great books out there that catch her eye. Even going to a public library or the school library makes her feel happy to be on the hunt for a new book. Whether it’s with the information of the writing or just the physical color of the words, she loves to make her writing creative. She thinks it helps her focus a lot more, and doesn’t stray her attention away from the work.