In Fall 2023, Castaic High School’s theater group is putting on the play “Almost, Maine.” Act 1 and 2 are full of playful, funny, and quirky scenes.
The play itself teaches a valuable lesson. The characters learn that sometimes love isn’t hard to find, sometimes, it’s standing right before you. At the same time, others discover that love jumps out at you when you least expect it.
Act 1, Scene 1 is a perfect example of love at first sight. East and Gloria find each other when Gloria goes to watch the Northern Lights in East’s backyard. The cheesy scene kept me chuckling and intrigued. Throughout the awkward encounter, the actors, Louie Zheng, and Samantha Silverlake, did a fantastic job carrying the lines and making sure they did the scene justice.
In the next scene in Act 1, we see love differently than before; this time, Jimmy claims he’s in love with Sandrine. He makes her sit down at the Moose Paddy for a few drinks and to catch up. Sandrine tells him nothing is going to happen between them because she’s going to be married soon. Jimmy becomes devastated but soon clicks with the waitress, conversing and falling in love with her.
Looking at Act 2, we see love appear in the awkward and funny interactions between the characters. Act 2 was my favorite; I loved the silly scenes with a twist of realness to them. The actors pulled me into the scenes by acting as if they were genuinely experiencing these things.

Chandon and Sadie, the main characters in ‘Where It Went’ (Act 2 Scene 2) did a phenomenal job portraying the hardships of marriage, kids, and work. Sadie’s words truly pulled on my heartstrings, making me feel like I was watching a real fight. I am excited to see what this duo will accomplish in their bright future.

The closing scene, ‘Seeing the Thing,’ was my favorite. Benedict and Jackson Mattick, the actors, had me laughing the whole time. The pair portrayed the awkward stage of love by showing how love can be right in front of you. As the two bicker throughout the scene, you can’t help but laugh and fall in love with their relationship. Rhonda, the main character, completes the scene with the heartfelt realization that she loves Jackson, too. These two did an excellent job of keeping me entertained and captivated.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the rehearsals I sat through. Arts have never been my thing, nor have I ever been to a play, but I loved it and wanted to go back to watch the final production. The cast is phenomenal, and the stage manager, senior Scarlett Lang, ran a tight ship, ensuring everyone was on top of their tasks. The costumes, the acting, and the sets were perfect for each scene and character. Join the cast on Nov. 1- 4, 2023, at 6 p.m. for an outstanding performance!